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Easter Sunday is the day we who are Christian hear “Christ is risen!” and can respond “He is risen indeed, hallelujah!” But it is not a day that arrives in isolation from others, most notably the week leading up. We do not hold the hope of the resurrection apart from the hurt of Jesus’ betrayal (Thursday), the pain of his crucifixion (Friday), or the bewilderment of his absence (Saturday). Rather, we receive that resurrection hope into these places in ourselves, and carry that hope into the world, again and again, trusting the ongoing presence and activity of God with us.

Into the darkness and pain of this world, Christ came.

Into the suffering of the oppressed and rejected, Christ entered.

Unto the systems which perpetuated these harms, Christ resisted.

Unto the harms, individual and corporate, Christ forgave.

Upon our individual places of need and brokenness, Christ reaches out,

Upon our world’s recirculating violence, Christ offered Himself, an offering of grace;

Himself, an embodiment of love;

Himself, an alternative to the cycles of death;

Himself, speaking and not silent, with us and not abandoning us, guiding us ever onwards towards the making of all things new.

Whatever your fears, grief, loneliness or hurt may be today, the risen Christ will meet you.

Wherever others are in need of love and support, the risen Christ will invite you.

May the joy of the resurrection be yours today.

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